Emergency Dentistry

Making a Difference — One Smile At A Time

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Emergency Dental Care in Bowling Green, KY

Like any other health crisis, emergencies involving the mouth or teeth usually happen without warning. Knowing what constitutes an emergency, when to call an emergency dentist, and what you can do at home when you experience a dental emergency can go a long way in lessening the severity of the situation and saving your teeth.  

What is a Dental Emergency?  

A dental emergency is any dental problem with the potential to be life-threatening that requires immediate attention to stop bleeding, alleviate severe pain, or save a tooth. This could be a bad toothache, an injury in which a tooth has been knocked out, or an infected tooth abscess. In these cases, immediately seeing a dentist for emergency dental care can save your tooth, lessen pain, and prevent worse infections.  

What Should You Do During a Dental Emergency?  

If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, you should call your dentist for further instructions. Dental problems like injury or trauma to your mouth that includes broken or missing teeth, cuts, or dental pain that doesn’t get better with medication warrant emergency dental treatment. However, some dental problems, like trauma that result in deep cuts that cause heavy bleeding or broken facial bones, are severe enough to require an emergency room visit.   

What are the Different Types of Dental Emergencies?  

There are several types of dental emergencies:  

  • Chipped, broken, or cracked teeth: This is the most common dental injury, but immediate treatment can help prevent infection and may help save the tooth. Rinse your mouth with warm water and hold a cold compress to your face to help reduce the swelling. Gather up any pieces of the tooth and call your dentist immediately.  
  • Knocked-out teeth: If a permanent tooth is knocked out, it’s essential to act quickly to save the tooth. When retrieving the tooth, hold it by the crown (the visible part) and rinse off the tooth root with water. Don’t scrub, wash with soap or chemicals, remove any attached tissue fragments, or dry the tooth. Instead, try to replant the tooth into its socket, but if that isn’t possible, put it in a glass of milk and get it to your dentist immediately. If a child’s primary (baby) tooth gets knocked out, apply pressure to the area if there is bleeding. However, it’s not necessary to save the tooth.   
  • Access/Swelling: If you have severe pain, significant swelling, fever, or pus or fluid drains from around the painful area, you should seek emergency treatment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, floss your teeth to see if there’s anything lodged between them, and rinse your mouth with warm water.   


How Can You Avoid a Dental Emergency? 

Dental emergencies can happen anytime, but taking the following precautions can prevent common emergencies and keep you safe at home:  

  • Wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports.    
  • Do not use your teeth as tools to rip, tear, or cut things.   
  • Avoid chewing on items or hard foods that can crack your teeth, like ice, popcorn kernels, and hard candies.  
  • Brush and floss at least twice daily and schedule regular dental visits for everyone in your family.  

Call Us for Emergency Dentistry in Bowling Green!  

Not all dental issues that you experience require you to seek emergency dental care. However, if you experience direct trauma to your mouth, teeth, or gums or are experiencing severe dental pain, please contact Cox Family Dentistry for a dental emergency appointment. You are important to us, and we show that by providing same-day appointments in Bowling Green, KY, and addressing your needs quickly.